Buckwheat košė, my style
Source: Me
Effort: low
If you're familiar with russian cuisine, košė is just the lithuanian translation of kasha, I wanted to add to my list of quick and easy meals, and I wanted something that had a good equal ratio between protein and carbs and I think I managed to hit that fairly well while also providing a reasonably tasty low-effort meal.
Honestly this one doesn't look too well, BUT, if you're into buckwheat, it tastes great.
I don't have a vegan version of this meal, because substituting the cheese and egg defeats the essence of this meal. The core idea, however, is simply making buckwheat kasha while adding in some sort of protein and spicy peppers. I haven't experimented enough to come up with a vegan version, but I'm sure that I can achieve a very similar result without either one of these.
NOTE: attempt to substitute with a harder cheese, cheddar is too melty NOTE: maybe ditch the egg? or scramble it or something
- Buckwheat, toasted if you can find it, about 50-100g
- Cheddar cheese, all kinds work here, about 40g
- 1 large chicken egg
- 1 Small-ish (think jalapeno-sized) pepper, depends on spice preference,
- Soy sauce
- Black pepper
Serves One, scales easily
- Prep a small pot
- Add the buckwheat
- Cover with water
- Spike the water with about 25mls of soy sauce
- Set to simmer
- While buckwheat simmers:
- Chop up the pepper into small bits, 2-3mm in size
- Dice the cheddar cheese into 3-4mm cubes
- When buckwheat is done cooking (Should be barely any water left at the bottom of the pot)
- Take pot off of heat
- Crack in the egg
- Mix until egg is cooked, you can move the pot back onto the heat
- Add in the cheese and peppers
- Mix until cheese is somewhat melted
- Plate and serve.
Incoming: [recipe overview]