

So, the 6th, 7th and 8th were all spent on ArmA3 modding. It was a moderately sized content update that served more as a way for me to get myself back up to snuff when it came to writing arma mods rather than a technical challenge. I also had a massive brainfart where I didn't notice a simple typo in the config I was writing for like.. an hour straight, was going insane because of it.

I will note that the CI system I wrote is holding up decently well, but I had an issue where my IPv6 address changed and I had to reconfigure both my router and my FreeDNS subdomain records to properly point to my new box, which ended up taking a solid chunk of my time to diagnose and to also allow for the updated DNS records to properly propogate. That being said, as a general observation, I am now finding that DNS records actually propogate way faster than they used to.

Back in the days of when I ran a basic filehost for my IRC buddies, (2016-2020 thereabouts), DNS records took like half a day to propogate, in my anecdotal experience.