On programming language agnosticity


Trying out a new category of writing. Blog-like, opinionated thinkpieces. Short-medium length, I don't know how much text I can squeeze out of myself while just musing on an idea. Not sure if this is worth sharing, but I don't think anyone reads this, so... ( to the left of these parens lied a publish tag )

I used to opearate with an idea that there was always a 'best' programming language. A spec that had something in it that made it superior to other specifications. A way of writing code that was in some way objectively better than all of the other ways to write code. To be specific, I kept making projects with a strong preference towards using C. I actively wanted to deepen my knowledge of it, I would seek out jobs that had me writing it, so on and so forth.

I clung to this mindest, and I still see a lot of developers continuing to stick to their guts when it comes to it, but, over the years, I kept learning about different programming languages and how they functioned and I eventually came to a conclusion of my own.

There is no objectively best programming language. I don't think that there even is an objectively best paradigm. Good programming does not stem from language design. Good programming stems from thoughtful, elegant design and high quality of communication within the code itself.

I can write garbage in Rust, Uxn or forth as much as I can write eloquence manifest in Java, C++ or PHP.

I don't really think that there is such a thing as a truly, genuinely bad programming language. If it's Turing complete, a capable programmer can abstract away any and all rough edges and write in such a way as to make the result performant, elegant, consistent and readable.

And so, the real choice lies in everything surrounding the language itself, those being:

The fact of the matter is, no programmer should be bound by their language, for that leaves them bound to the limits of the solution space of their language of choice. If you're capable of solving the problems needed for making a webapp, you sure as shit are capable of kernel development, with enough time and patience. Widen your horizons.